Thoughts on Nepal

This morning as I watched the hens free ranging in the field enjoying the fresh grass and scratching in the damp marshy patch I was reminded of the inspiration behind this blog – the amazing cook I met in Langtang in Nepal. Read about him here

Since the first news of the earthquake l have been thinking about the people we met and langtang cookwondering how they are coping with losing loved ones, losing homes, losing so many beautiful historic buildings.

The recent shocking reports from Langtang show a landslide and devastation where this photograph was taken. This natural disaster has affected those people who already had so little.

I have heard that our guides and their families and all involved with the trekking company  we travelled with are safe.  They are trying to cope with the immediate problems – lack of shelter, water, food and the unknown.

Here the fresh green leaves on the trees, the pear and apple blossom, the shoots of vegetable emerging from the soil are all reminders of spring and new life – I just wonder how the people of Nepal can rebuild their lives.